Sunday, September 9, 2012

Week 1

Reesa and I
Well, week one at the International Christian School of Vienna is over! It's crazy to think that I only have 11 weeks left! Things are still a bit unstable as we try to figure out for sure which classes I'll be teaching and who my supervisors are going to be, but I LOVE the staff here! What a difference it makes to work in this environment of Christians! We start off some of our mornings with staff devotions and worship songs. The teachers and staff are so kind and will do anything for you!

I have three different cooperating teachers at the school, and they are all amazing! My main cooperating teacher invited me to go out for dessert with her and another English teacher from the school on Friday evening, and we went to the city-center to a very fancy cafe. It was such a nice time to get to know them better and have a girls' night out!

Behind Schonbrunn Palace - the gardens and Gloriette
My health is still not at 100%. I went to a doctor twice this week, and they're not sure if I have a virus or an infection. I have been on several different medications, and am still not feeling very well. God provided a wonderful lady at the school who has been a huge blessing to me by translating and accompanying me to the doctors appointments. She has such a servant's heart. Getting to know her and hear about her experiences working at various schools, including the Black Forest Academy, has also been very interesting!

Schonbrunn from the Gloriette
On Saturday I went to the summer palace, Schonbrunn, and walked around. It is a beautiful property with lots of gardens, park walkways, a fake roman-ruin built in the 1700s, and a gloriette that was partially ruined during WW2 and is now restored.

The Gloriette today
The Gloriette after an air-raid in 1945

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