Sunday, November 11, 2012

Fall Break and more

I only have 16 days left in Austria. Time has flown. This is my last week of teaching in most of my classes! I have had incredible experiences and made wonderful friends here. God has definitely shown me that his plan for me is not always one that I can see.

Our pastor spoke on Isaiah 42 today, and I thought the main verse seemed very fitting for my time here and my future: "I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth. These are the things I will do; I will not forsake them." Isaiah 42:16. If you think of it - pray for me as I make some decisions about my future and where God would have me go next.

Fall Break

We had fall break two weeks ago. My brother, Shawn, flew to Vienna and traveled with me for a jam-packed four days! We spent half a day in Vienna on Thursday and took a night train from Vienna to Venice on Thursday night. We spent all day Friday in Venice, which was beautiful! I didn't expect it to be sooo nice. The buildings and the canals... I loved it! Friday night we hopped back on a night train and went to a little town on a lake called Hallstatt in western Austria. Hallstatt was quaint and breathtaking. We were surrounded by snow-covered mountains and even hiked up one! We spent most of Saturday there, and then took a couple-hour train ride to Salzburg. By the time we got to Salzburg, I was about ready to pass out I was so exhausted (sleeping on night-trains was more difficult than I had anticipated). We slept in a hostel in Salzburg Saturday night. On Sunday we took a Sound-of-Music bus tour through Salzburg and the lake district outside of Salzburg, then walked around the city on our own. After that, it was back to Vienna late Sunday night. Shawn had a flight out the next morning, and I had to go back to school. : )

Spiritual Emphasis Week

 This past week was spiritual emphasis week at the school. The students had chapel every day and heard some amazing testimonies from some of their teachers and classmates. One of my students came to accept Christ as their savior this week!! It is so amazing to work in a place that places Christ first and cares for the salvation and spiritual health of their students. We have a wide mix of backgrounds, cultures, and religions at our school and its so cool to get to love them all and hopefully model Christ for them!

Luke 15:7 Just so, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance

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