Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Fall Break

A view from Monday morning

The snow on my walk to work
Well, ICSV is now on our Fall Break until November 5th. On Monday and Tuesday we had professional development with a team from Biola Univeristy, and a hilarious staff talent-show on Monday night. We also recieved the first snowfall of the season on Monday. I woke up to about an inch of snow and freezing weather, but it was beautiful! 
        Today I did some lesson planning so that I'm ready to jump back into school on Monday. I also baked muffins to eat as I travel with my brother, who is currently en route to Austria! We are going to visit Vienna, Venice, Salzburg, and Hallstatt. I also went shopping with a friend today and heard Christmas music playing in the stores - Happy Halloween! Actually, Halloween is not a big deal in Austria. I saw two people dressed up, but for the most part there is no trick-or-treating and the people do not make much of the holiday.

Banana Oatmeal Muffins!  
God has been continuing to bless me here. I have had wonderful experiences with friends from the school and have been welcomed so much by the staff. I went to brunch at my pastor's house with a group of young people on Sunday, and I really feel that I am exactly where God wants me. I have really enjoyed attending Grace Church here and have found it to be a good fit. Having a good home church is so important in feeling "at home" in a place. Pastor Mason and his wife are very caring and welcoming people. 

Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Weekend Update

Dinner with friends
I can't believe I only have a month left here! This trip has been incredible so far. I am really starting to feel settled in and like part of the family at school. I found a church that I enjoy and am blessed to have been welcomed into a group of teachers who attend the church. We meet for coffee before the service and have a great time together. The service is taught in English and simultaneously translated into German, which is really interesting to see.

Mandy and I at Augarten

This weekend I had the opportunity to spend time with my friend Mandy. We went to the Augarten park and enjoyed the beautiful fall foliage in the midst of two WW2 anti-aircraft towers there. I also spent time with some teachers at a Mexican restaurant after school on Friday.

flak tower at Augarten

Plaques remembering people who died in WW2
are in the sidewalks throughout the city

A Typical Day

This seems to be a popular post-idea, and perhaps something you all are interested in. Here's a typical day for me in Vienna!

7:15 I catch the bus to school
7:25 I prep for the day.
7:50 on Tuesdays this is worship time and Fridays are staff devotions. Every first Wednesday is all-staff prayer as well.
8:20 home room
8:30 I teach 6th grade English class to second language learners from Russia, Austria, and Korea (not ELL, but a seperate Language Arts for ELL learners)
9:30 I am a teacher's aid/observer for 10th grade English for second language learners
10:35 I teach 9th grade English
11:15 I have lunch and a planning period
12:40 I teach 7th grade English
1:30 I teach 8th grade English Literature for  second language learners
2:20 I have a planning period
3:45 Staff meetings on Thursdays
4:00 I go home

Posters for short story unit with 9th grade

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Night at the Museum(s)

Rooftop View of the City at Night
It is a tradition in Vienna to have one night in October when a 12 euro ticket will give you access to any participating museum in the city from 6pm-1am. Last Saturday, October 6th, was the Der Lange Nacht der Museen. I met up with about 10 other teachers from ICSV at 4:30pm. After fueling up at Starbucks and prioritizing our list of museums, we set out! We saw the Chimney Sweep Museum, the Coffee Museum, the National Library (part of the Habsburg Palace), the Albertina Art Museum, and The Demel (the royal bakery). I had a great time getting to see original Michelangelo's, Picaso's, bakers making sugared acorns and trees, and getting to spend time with some of the teachers. I also tried a new church with some of the girls from the group the following Sunday, and I really loved it!
Our group taking a break outside the Albertina

Sugar Wedding Dress at the Demel

Inside the National Library