Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Weekend Update

Dinner with friends
I can't believe I only have a month left here! This trip has been incredible so far. I am really starting to feel settled in and like part of the family at school. I found a church that I enjoy and am blessed to have been welcomed into a group of teachers who attend the church. We meet for coffee before the service and have a great time together. The service is taught in English and simultaneously translated into German, which is really interesting to see.

Mandy and I at Augarten

This weekend I had the opportunity to spend time with my friend Mandy. We went to the Augarten park and enjoyed the beautiful fall foliage in the midst of two WW2 anti-aircraft towers there. I also spent time with some teachers at a Mexican restaurant after school on Friday.

flak tower at Augarten

Plaques remembering people who died in WW2
are in the sidewalks throughout the city

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